Friday, September 28, 2007

A Money Making Game

How much is it to participate in Formula One? I guess it will cost you hell lots of money. And if you cheat in this game, it will cost you a lot, too.

Official Formula One News
"McLaren have been excluded from the 2007 constructors’ championship and fined US$100 million following Thursday’s FIA World Motor Sport Council (WMSC) hearing in Paris. "

100 million US dollars...........@@"

Questions: WMSC fined McLaren US$100 million, but how is WMSC going to use this big fat check? Where will this money be spent on by WMSC?

"Drivers Fernando Alonso and Lewis Hamilton have not been penalized and are free to continue their fight for the drivers' title."

Ah Ha~ here we go~! At the end, it is not about the athletic discipline. It's all about money making!!! To be fair, I would say that drivers should be suspended for the entire season. However, if these two drivers, currently ranked in 1st and 2nd, are out of the game this year, F1 will be seriously boring to be watched. Without any surprise, McLaren decided to stay in the game even though they are fined for 100 mils. Running a F1 team apparently can make more than 100 millions; I meant a lot more!! 100 million US dollars, a big deal to me; a small potato for F1 teams.

Nipple Enhancers!!

Look at this........ why do you want to enhance your nipple?......
Enhancer Info

e-Bay is actually selling this thing.....
List on e-Bay

Maybe I should get one to enhance my sexiness~!

Tuesday, August 21, 2007


Approximate Cost for Having a Car

Daily Driving Distance: 50 km
Gas Mileage: 10km/Litre
Assume 1L of gas is $1.00
Daily Gas Cost: 50km / 10km *$1.00 = $5.00
Annual Gas Cost: $5.00*365 Days = $1,825/year

Car Maintenance: $62.00/ every 4 months
Major Car Maintenance: $220 every 12 months
Annual Car Maintenance Cost: $62*2 + $220 = $344 (2 regular maintenance & 1 major maintenace)
Natural Wear and Tear(Brakes & Tires): $250/year
Maintenance Subtotal: $250+$344 = $594/year

Insurance(based on 5% discount every year):
Year 1: $2,700
Year 2: $2,565
Year 3: $2,430.00
Year 4: $2,295.00
Year 5: $2,160.00
Year 6: $2,025.00
Year 7: $1,890.00
Year 8: $1,755.00
Year 9: $1,620.00
Year 10: $1,485.00
Subtotal: $20,925
Annual Insurance Subtotal: $20,925/10 years = $2,092.5/year

Car Value Depreciation:
Bought at $27,000
Assume it worth 1/3 of the original price = $9,000 after 10 years
Depreciation = $27,000 - $9,000 = $18,000
Annual Depreciation: $18,000/10 years = $1,800/year

Total Annual Cost: $1,825 + $594 + $2,092.5 + $1,800 = $6,311.5/year or $525.96/month

- Estimate with an accuracy of +/- 20%

Monthly Cost for Having a Car = $421 ~ $631 or $5,050 ~ $7,570

Jesus Christ, that's expensive...............
And holy cow, I am lucky.......................

* This estimate assumes the followins:
- Parking is free
- Zero accident
- No car break-in or whatsoever damage on the car
- Constant Gas Price

Thursday, August 16, 2007

Joke of the Day

An engineer was crossing a road one day when a frog called out to him and said, "If you kiss me, I'll turn into a beautiful princess."

He bent over, picked up the frog and put it in his pocket.The frog spoke up again and said, "If you kiss me, and turn me back into a beautiful princess, I will stay with you for one week."

The engineer took the frog out of his pocket, smiled at it and returned it to the pocket. The frog then cried out, "If you kiss me and turn me back into a princess, I'll stay with you and do ANYTHING you want."

Again, the engineer took the frog out, smiled at it and put it back into his pocket. Finally, the frog asked, "What is the matter? I've told you I'm a beautiful princess, and that I'll stay with you for a week and do anything you want. Why won't you kiss me?"

The engineer said, "Look, I'm an engineer. I don't have time for a girlfriend... but a talking frog, now that's cool!"

Friday, July 13, 2007


讓我懷疑是不是因為 Friday the 13th 搞的鬼
下班回家後~ Rossland 刮起大風~
氣象說有 Server Thunderstorm
上網上到一半給我停電~ 因為也差不多晚餐時間了
還好回到家後電就來了~ 不過外面不止刮風~還開始下起了雨
本來想說出去騎一下 Mountain Bike 的說
誰知道才剛要下山~就在一個 180 度的彎 "犁田"

My view on the bike

Bike Trail: Rubberhead

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Wang on the iPhone Commercial

今天在看 MLB All-Star Game 時看到王建民的名字出現在 Apple iPhone 的廣告裡
畫面是用 iPhone 上網~ 在 The New York Times 的網站上看到頭條新聞的照片
照片裡是一群台灣人拿著旗子, 旗子上寫著 "台灣之光王建民"!!
iPhone 在打廣告同時~王建民的名字也出現在畫面上~雖然老外可能都看不懂用中文寫的"台灣之光王建民"

iPhone Commercial "Watered Down"

Saturday, July 07, 2007

Evely Campground

Evely Campground
During the Canada Day long weekend, we went to Evely Campground in Kelowna. It's about 15 minutes driving distance north of Fintry Provincial Park.

這個Campground只有野外廁所 沒水沒電~不過它的Campground都是靠著Okanagan Lake旁 就等於是在湖邊露營 超正點的!!

It was a nice trip!
Kelowna is AWESOME!!!
之前都是冬天去Kelowna, 夏天Kelowna超美的!!

One more trip everyone?

Thursday, July 05, 2007

This is my place in Rossland


我現在住在 Rossland 這是一個小鎮離我工作的 Trial 大約 15km

Rossland 是個位在山上的小鎮~離旁邊的 Red Mountain Ski Resort 只有十五分鐘


我住的地方旁邊是一個 High School 然後有個足球場
剛來時天天有人在那踢球 開始放暑假後就比較少人在上面玩了!!

My "Ma Zi" got jumped on by an animal......


An animal jumped on my Maz........
Here are the evidences:
Maybe I should buy a shutgun like my supervisor.
I think it might be a cat or raccoon from the footprints.